Prepare for Special Occasions
This guide is helpful if...
You are getting ready for an important trip
You are glamming up for a party, event, or any occasion that is special to you
**Always discuss new procedures with your dermatologist first. Not every treatment may be right for you.
Which means...
Given the principles and goals, your choice of procedures will vary based on the time you have until the main event.
1️⃣ - If the event is in a few days
Your best bets, in this case, are exfoliating and hydrating facials to get that glowy skin. Examples include modern microdermabrasion procedures with cleansing and infusion capabilities, such as Hydrafacial and DiamondGlow. You can also work with your aesthetician to get a custom facial based on your needs. Make sure you clean your pillow covers, towels, and sheets after the facial to avoid exposing your clean skin to new dirt and sweat!
2️⃣ - If the event is in a few weeks
With more time to prepare and recover, injectibles like BOTOX® and Dermal Fillers can help you get camera-ready. These are only recommended if you have ample time before the event. BOTOX® can take up to 2 weeks to fully kick in for some patients. Additionally, injectibles may cause temporary swelling and bruising (yes, this applies to lip fillers too), and may require a second adjustment visit 1-2 weeks after your initial visit to achieve your desired result. All of that is to say - plan ahead if you would like to do injectibles before the special occasion!
Starting with the principles
At the end of the day, we want to
have glowy, hydrated, healthy skin
accentuate facial features for the cameras
select procedures that are already familiar to us with barely any downtime
3️⃣ - What about lasers, lights, and all that good stuff?
Procedures that involve Laser, Light, Microneedling, or RF that would result in temporary redness and sensitivity to light, are better choices for regular skin maintenance. They work better with a series of treatments over time and are usually not recommended for special occasion preparation.
Shared by Charlie Yu from Cosmable and edited by dermatologist Dr. J. Trent, Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology. Last updated in Jan 2023.